Baptist church is a Christian church that is part of protestant denomination. It has over 100 million members worldwide (few of known Baptists: American presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Harry Truman, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, entrepreneur J. D. Rockefeller, Nobel peace prize winner Martin L. King, and many outstanding statesmen, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers and artists).
Basic truths of faith: The Scripture has the highest authority in the matters of faith; religious adoration is reserved only for one God in three Divine Persons; Jesus Christ is the only Mediator and Savior; salvation is God’s gift undeserved by man.
The essence of Christianity is an authentic, personal relationship with God; the consequence of this relationship is harmony, a sense of purpose and opportunity for a decent human life in society.
Baptist church in Poland takes an active role in public life, proclaiming and implementing basic Christian values. Its existence is regulated by the Act of 30 June 1995 on the relations between State and the Christian Baptist Church in the Republic of Poland (Journal of Law No. 97 pos. 480).
More information about Baptist Church available at www.baptyś