Platform of Dreams
The Platform of Dreams refers to the deep desire residing in each of us to do something meaningful.
Modern man is a crisis of hope – depression becomes an epidemic.
The platform, by providing positive examples, aims to help bring out one’s own dreams. In two ways: by Mosaic of Dreams Reportages of Dreams.
We are looking for people who would be willing to create it with us.
More About the Platform of Dreams
The Mosaic of Dreams
The creators of the Platform presented their dreams and invited some to talk about their dreams. They can invite others. Their desired picture of the future can be found below on the Mosaic of Dreams.
The beginning is the most difficult, when there are not many of us. Because you have to believe that something meaningful will come out of it. Believe!
Reportages of Dreams
Some of those who found themselves on the Mosaic of Dreams will add their reports to take us on a “journey”.
The Mosaic of Dreams
Click the selected photo

Other mosaics tiles will come soon …